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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Michigan to host first ever Digital Learning Day Wednesday

Michigan to host first ever Digital Learning Day Wednesday

Published: Monday, January 30, 2012, 4:53 PM     Updated: Monday, January 30, 2012, 7:40 PM
G0327GODFREY04.jpgStudents take a unit test on computers at Godfrey-Lee High School in Wyoming last spring.
GRAND RAPIDS – The state Department of Education is participating in a national campaign designed to celebrate innovative teaching and highlight practices that make learning more engaging for students.
The department, in partnership with the Alliance for Excellent Education, announced Monday it would be a state host for the first-ever Digital Learning Day campaign on Wednesday, kicking off Michigan’s “Year of the Digital Learner.”
“There is a significant potential to expand the use of online learning as a practical strategy to help students stay in school and graduate," said state Superintendent of Public Instruction Mike Flanagan.
This national campaign will explore how digital learning can provide all students with the opportunities they deserve — to build the skills needed to succeed in college, a career, and life, according to a press release.
“In Michigan, the first state to require students to successfully complete an online course or learning experience, digital or online learning provides a powerful alternative for students who have a need for greater flexibility with their education due to individual learning styles,” Flanagan said.
Digital Learning Day will be the start of a year of digital learning activities to be designated as 2012 Year of the Digital Learner.
State officials say they are striving to build momentum for a wave of innovation that changes policies, shifts attitudes, and supports wide-scale adoption of these promising instructional practices.
“Digital Learning Day is more than just a day,” said Bob Wise, president of the Alliance for Excellent Education and former governor of West Virginia. “It is about building a digital learning movement that provides teachers with better tools to truly provide a quality education for every child."
Wise said simply layering on technology alone will not move the education needle very much. He said effective technology combined with great teachers and engaged students have the potential to transform the world of learning.
As host, the state will highlight a school that is using innovation to make a difference for students. The state also will continue to reach out and share resources that support the goals of and participation in Digital Learning Day and 2012 Year of the Digital Learner.
All education stakeholders—parents; teachers; students; librarians; administrators; policymakers; and school, district, and business leaders — are being encouraged to sign up now. Participants will have access to targeted tool kits outlining ideas and ways to plan their Digital Learning Day celebration, as well as updates, informational videos, webinars, and other resources.
State leaders say this campaign will challenge education professionals and policymakers at all levels to start a conversation, improve a lesson, and/or create a plan.
To learn more about how to be a part of this event, people can sign up . They can also “like” Digital Learning Day on Facebook and follow the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #DLDday.
There will be official announcements of Digital Learning Day at on the website and on Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN.
For more information on Michigan events, go to the website for the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning.
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CurrentTeacher January 30, 2012 at 5:09PM

Way to be on top of things MDE. This has been out there for weeks. Also way to publicize the Year of the Digital Learner....You might want to share this with districts.
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